Bull Bitcoin Announces Launch in France: A Call to Reclaim Sovereignty

5 mins

17 days ago

Théo M
Théo M

Europe GM, Bull Bitcoin

Bull Bitcoin Announces Launch in France: A Call to Reclaim Sovereignty

At Bull Bitcoin, we believe in the enduring "Génie Français." Throughout history, the French have demonstrated a deep love of freedom, a fierce commitment to sovereignty, and a remarkable ingenuity in pursuing these ideals. Today, however, socialism has relieved the French of "the trouble of thinking and the pain of living," leaving this powerful spirit in hibernation. But it is not extinguished—it simply awaits reawakening in those who demand more from life than bread and circuses.

Bull Bitcoin is committed to helping individuals harness the full potential of Bitcoin—not just as a store of value, but more importantly as a means of payment and a tool for freedom. We remain steadfast in our dedication to the cypherpunk ethos, ensuring that Bitcoin remains a decentralized, censorship-resistant, and sovereign asset. We will not compromise these principles for short-term gains, nor will we betray the true spirit of Bitcoin.

Our mission is to equip you with the tools to reclaim your freedom and sovereignty. It started more than 10 years ago in Canada, continued in Costa Rica, and now we open a new chapter in our fight against central bankers, alongside the French people. 

We know the journey out of fiat serfdom is long and difficult, but it is one that only you can accomplish. Bitcoin provides the way out, and Bull Bitcoin will be your guide as you navigate this path. The time to act is now—seize your sovereignty today with Bull Bitcoin at your side.

Bull Bitcoin recently acquired Bitcoin Lyon, one of the oldest brokers in France. To continue helping bitcoiners, pros and noobs alike, Bull Bitcoin is working shoulder-to-shoulder with one of its founding members, Jimmy Chambrade. 

Visit our platform, read our blog, and try out our new open-source mobile wallet to begin your journey to financial freedom.

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